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When the Switch Flipped

Welcome readers, straying from my typical philosophy writings, I’d like to get a bit personal today.

In honor of #alogives new nonprofit organization, I would like to share my own personal story of how and when my Yoga journey began.

For those of you that have not heard about Alo’s new nonprofit, giving children the opportunity to learn about Yoga, meditation, and breathing through Alo Gives short five minute videos, here’s more information;

FINALLY, something I’ve wanted to happen for YEARS now is in motion spreading/sharing the awareness of mindfulness and Yoga with children from an early age.

Imagine what would’ve happened if this monument started years ago!

HOWEVER better late than never! So a big thank you to #Alo as well as all teachers, schools, companies and anyone else that makes a contribution to this cause.

If you ask me at what age I started Yoga I always share two different ages…

Technically my Yoga journey had two beginnings, I stepped onto my mat at the age of sixteen years old. I grew up in a small town in NW Arkansas, and I’m sure how most of you can imagine the Yoga community was small. There was a personal trainer in town who opened her own hot yoga studio and the ONLY studio in this sleepy Midwestern town.

Her classes were great, hot, power flow, so you really felt like you were getting a great workout, however, what WAS lacking was the mindfulness and awareness you can gain from your practice. Her style was a bit faster paced and having a background in personal training this was definitely an exercise inspired class, which definitely serves its’ purpose.

Don’t get me wrong, I am very thankful for this woman bringing Yoga to this corner of the world because who knows, if it wasn’t for that studio at that moment in my life maybe I wouldn’t have ever stepped foot onto a Yoga mat, and if THAT never happened then I wouldn’t have met the woman who changed my perspective of Yoga. It wasn’t until I was twenty-three years old I stumbled upon a Yoga class in Denver, CO and met the teacher who completely opened a whole new world to me.

After my first class with this teacher, I already felt a shift inside. It was my first P O W E R F U L class I had experienced, and I’m not talking about the power you feel from a power flow class, no. I’m talking about the power that struck a cord so deep inside I didn’t know what to do!

The first time in my life I actually connected or took the time to ACTUALLY check in with myself, physically, emotionally, and mentally.

From that class on, no lie folks I took her class every single opportunity I had. She was amazing, at this time she had been teaching for twenty plus years and had been practicing for even more. She began mediating at the age of thirteen and is one of those people you meet and you instantly feel they’re on a way higher level than the majority of the population.

Intimidating yet calming..

She had no idea how big of an impact she was making on my life. I can honestly say because of her teachings I stopped showing up to my mat for physical reasons. I came to my mat to process.

Process what was going on in my head, in my heart, to release tension physically, energetically that I needed to release in the most healthy safest way possible. Even more importantly to basically unfuck myself for lack of better words.

Unfuck myself from past traumas, my upbringing, it was the first time I had admitted that I had work to do on myself, I needed to begin the process of healing.

She created a space for me to be vulnerable, to be in tune with what was going on internally, because of this woman I went from being ice cold with my heart and emotions to the girl who cries more often than not during asana practice.


Different reasons, sometimes it feels so good to just let your emotions flow and let those tears stream without any resistance. Without any judgment or overthinking as to why you’re crying just letting yourself be. Be in that moment, in those feelings, simply present and open.

Because I grew up in a family with a mother who was emotionally unavailable and a father who reminded me daily that tears and emotions are a sign of weakness and to never let the feelings surface. Hold everything in, keep it together and never cry WAS and STILL to this day is my father’s daily motto, unfortunately.

Thank God for Kathleen Swinbourne who recently relocated from Denver, CO back to her home roots in Portland, Maine because if it wasn’t for her, there is no telling what kind of person I would be. That is a WHOLE article alone in itself the transformations that took place from the time I started taking her classes to currently. Internally, externally, some friends of mine genuinely feel that I have lived two different lives in one life and a life that is only twenty plus years in the making.. that’s a lot of change in a very short period of time.

After months of practicing with this woman, the feeling was so blatantly clear, for the first time in twenty-two years I had never felt so sure about anything in my life until this moment.

I wanted to become a Yoga teacher, after stepping on my mat six years prior it was this teacher, these teachings that unveiled this hidden passion of mine.

However, it wasn’t a feeling in the sense “oh I want to be a Yoga teacher”, no. I wanted to be a teacher that made people feel about Yoga the way she was able to make me feel, safe, yet vulnerable, strong and steady yet fragile, tender.

She shared the other limbs of Yoga, not only focusing on breathing and postures but how Yoga is a way of life. Yoga doesn’t just take place on your mat, it happens constantly. All of this inspired me to learn EVEN more, so after a year and some months practicing with her, I booked my flight for Rishikesh, India where I spent three months studying Yoga. Philosophy, Asana, Pranayama, Meditation.

It was my first time traveling to Asia which is a whole other learning experience in itself. Two years later I’m still learning, practicing, teaching and continuously learning more and more about myself and this way of life. Trying to share this beautiful type of living with as many beautiful earthlings that have interest.

For any questions, comments or further inquiries please don’t hesitate to contact me!

Please feel free to share this article and HELP SPREAD THE AWARENESS!

Have a great day readers,


Author: Laken Badley

Do Good, Be Good