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In PRANA//YAMA Part II, was all about how EN ER GI ZI NG Kapalbhati breathing, fire breath. Like ALL things in life, different Pranayamas work for different people, or you need a certain kind of Pranayama in a certain situation in life. 

This article is all about a more passive, relaxing Pranayama.

One of my students’ favorites,


Nadi Shodhana is designed to purify the nadir through which Prana (Life — Force) flow. There are three primary channels for the flow of this energy: Ida, Pingala, and Shushumna. It is essential to balance the flow of energy between Ida and Pingala Nadis which run alongside and intertwine the spine. The central middle channel that runs along the spinal column is the Shushumna Nadi.

Ida and Pingala are considered the lunar and solar channels. With the Ida Nadi responsible for cooling, feminine, passive, mental energy and the Pingala Nadi responsible for hot, male active, physical energy.

As the flow thru these two channels is harmonized, Prana starts to flow through Shushumna. Activating and balancing the Prana.

STEPS of Nadi Shodhana:

*Sit in a comfortable position, preferably in a variation of Sukhasana (easy cross-legged).

*Elongate the spine upwards, lengthen the neck, bringing the chin in, parallel to the floor. 

*Fold your index finger and middle finger into the palm of your right hand so just the thumb, (Jnana Mudra) ring finger and pinkie are extended. Hold your knee with your left hand. 

*Close your eyes.

*Bring your attention to your breathing and take five deep breaths, slowly breathing through the nose. This will oxygenate your blood, helping you feel relaxed. For the REST of the exercise, the attention should remain on the breath. 

*Now with your right thumb gently close the left nostril and breathe in slowly and completely through the left nostril five rounds. 

*Now gently close the left nostril with your right ring finger and pinkie and releasing the right nostril breathe out only. 

*Now breathe in through the RIGHT nostril only, keeping the left closed.

*Finally, re-close the right nostril and breathe OUT through the left only.

*Start with five rounds a day and start to add an additional round as you progress.

Benefits of Nadi Shodhana,


-Calms the mind, promoting peace and tranquility.

-Creates balance, harmony, and rhythm in the entire system.

-Prepares the system for more advanced Pranayama.

-The flow of Prana through the Shushumna also indicates meditative states of consciousness.

-Improves the respiratory system.

-Strengthens the nervous system.

-Purifies the body by oxygenating the blood supply.


Although this is a passive, relaxing Pranayama because Pranayama is so powerful working with the breath and our energies, always remember;

*ONLY do as much as you are comfortable with. Start slowly and build up steadily. 

*Do not do this breathing technique if one of the nostrils is blocked or you are requiring force to breathe through it.

Keep in mind to be patient with yourself, do not try to speed the process of your advancement, Yoga is a JOURNEY, every step of the way is meant to be enjoyed, explored and appreciated.

The ultimate goal is to soothe your mind, thoughts, lower your level of stress, anger, anxiety.

So take it nice and easy as they say.

If you would like to know MORE about Pranayama or DIFFERENT relaxing breathing techniques leave a comment, or personally contact Laken Badley!

Namaste Yogis

Author: Laken Badley